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April, 2021 - Two new publications are out!

David, M.M. 2021. The role of microbiome in autism: All that we know about all that we don't know. mSystems 6(2): e00234-21.

David, M.M., Tataru, C., Daniels, J., Schwartz, J., Keating, J., Hampton-Marcell, J., Gottel, N., Gilbert, J., and Wall, D.P. 2021. Children with autism and their typically developing siblings differ in amplicon sequence variants and predicted functions of stool-associated microbes. mSystems 6(2): e00193-20.

Dec, 2020 - The lab receives a new SNF grant on the Rules of Lifes in Microbiome Work

This grant, titled "Defining the ecological and genomics properties that underlie microbiome sensitivity and resilience" is a collaboration with Dr. Ryan Mueller, Dr. Vega-thurber, and Dr. Sharpton. If you're interested, you can find more details here. Press release here.

Sept, 2020 - Welcome Alex and Natalie

This quarter we're welcoming a rotating graduate student, Natalie Wolskle (from the Pharmaceutical Science Program). Alex Philips also decided to join the lab as a graduate student. Alex was our tech for over two years, and we're excited to have her work on her own project now.

May, 2020 - The microbiome-host cell culture facility is funded!

The lab received $75K equipment grant from the research office, with six other PIs matching funds, to launch the microbiome-host cell culture facilities. Christine Tataru is leading the charge, switching from biocomputing to wet lab work, helped by Priyanka Singla who has now been working on primary cell gut culturing for over two years. We're excited, more to come.

April, 2020 - COVID, Alex, and the ongoing mice work

Well, like everyone else, we had to stop a lot of our activities. Alex kept taking care of the mice, and help us move forward with our collaboration with Second Genome on Autism Spectrum Disorder. Alone in the lab (we're taking COVID distancing very seriously), it was quite an astronomic amount of work. Results under analysis, looking very promising.

March, 2020 - Grace Deitzler received the NSF GRFP

Grace Deitzler, PhD student, is a 2020 recipient of the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship, for her work on the honey bee microbiome (microbeeome)!

March 1st,2020 - Maude will be presenting at SfN Pacific Northwest!

Back on the conference trail, Maude will be presenting the lab's work at the Society for Neuroscience Oregon/SW Washington Chapter conference.

April 17-18, 2020
McMenamin's Edgefield Winery and Hotel
2126 SW Halsey Street, Troutdale, OR

Well that got COVID canceled... we will see you all next year hopefully

Feb, 2020 - Grace received the Tatar award!

Grace Deitzler, PhD student in the lab, received the OSU Microbiology Tartar Graduate student fellowship, for her work on sex differences and the impact of microbiota on autism in mice.

Feb, 2020 - Welcome to three undergraduates students

The David lab is excited to welcome three new undergraduate members: Elizaveta Zhivaya, Maya Livni and Temi Adewunmi, with the URSA program. Liza and Maya will be working on our mice models for anxiety and Temi will join the biocomputing team.

Aug, 2019 - Grace Deitzler is on KBVR!

PhD student Grace Deitlzer will be interviewed on the local radio: KBVR

Feb, 2019 - Opening in the lab for a Part time Research Assistant

=> this position has been filled! Thanks.

We're also looking for a part time Research Assistant, to help us ramp up our behavior testing. Please send Maude an email if you're interested.

Jan 11, 2019 - Exciting news: the lab has been featured in a couple of upcoming conferences this month.

Environmental Public Health in the 21st Century Research Symposium

Organized by the College of Agricultural Sciences, at Oregon State University.

Location: Horizon room at Memorial Union Building


Jan 17-19, 2019 Mind, Mood & Microbes

3rd International Conference on Microbiota-Gut-Brain Axis, In Amsterdam, Netherland.

